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3 Reviews on "Dr Adrian Pătrățanu"

3 reviews
  • Avatar for Gabriel Gabriel

    Cu toata sinceritatea, pot spune ca dupa o sumedenie de experiente neplacute fata de conditia mea cu ADHD, n-am mai avut nici o singura problema de cand vin la consult la dl. Adrian Pătrățanu. Deci pot sa spun ca sunt de acord complet cu ce se poate vedea in aceste recenzii.

    Recomand cu toata caldura!

  • Avatar for Anna H Anna H

    This doctor is really super OK, no kidding at all! By all accounts, he really stays on top. First of all, his empathy hit me right on the head. You can tell he truly cares about his patients and strives to understand them fully. In every session, I felt listened to and valued, and his patience was truly appreciated given my complicated situation.

    Another aspect that impressed me was his openness to working with professionals from other medical fields, such as neurologists and rheumatologists. We all know how hard it can be to find doctors who can communicate effectively with each other, and he did so without any problem. This has made my treatment and care much more consistent and effective.

    And since I was mentioning efficiency, I want to point out that he was not only super professional, but also cool. I mean, you know how it is, sometimes doctors can seem a little stiff, but he was very open and friendly. Conversations with him were always pleasant and constructive, and I felt like I could be myself without being judged.

  • Avatar for Andrei Andrei

    Dr. Pătrățanu was receptive and answered promptly to all the questions I asked him about his therapeutic approaches in different situations, showing professionalism and balance in his thinking both about ADHD specific medication and other medications. At the same time, Dr. Pătrățanu showed a particular openness towards complex discussions related to (neuro)psychiatry, showing a genuine passion for this field of activity and a desire for permanent self-actualization. For this reason, I recommend Dr. Adrian Pătrățanu!

    1. Avatar for Flavius S. Flavius S.

      Sunt pacient al dr. Adrian Pătrățanu de doi ani. Am să discut în special despre identitatea mea ADHD și modul de gestionare cu privire la ADHD din partea sa. Basically, acord 5 stele pentru aspecte privind alte diagnostice și conversații, dar cu precădere pe partea de ADHD sunt și ele acolo.

      Nu am obținut diagnosticul ADHD la dr. Adrian P; dar comparativ cu alte cadre psihiatrice, aici am găsit o relație „pacient-medic specialist” sănătoasă. O relație de genul, mai ales în cadrul psihiatriei, este importantă.

      Oferă compasiune prin ascultare, comunicare și validare. Prezintă specializare în ADHD prin modul cum asimilează informațiile transmise de pacient și le poate distinge de alte condiții/suferințe mentale. Așadar, cunoștințele și tehnicile psihiatrice pentru ADHD sunt evident nu doar „de suprafață”. De aceea îl recomand pe partea de ADHD.

      Respectă comunitățile vulnerabile, spre exemplu are cunoștințe vaste despre comunitatea LGBTQIA+ și validează identitățile nonbinare/trans/queer etc.

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