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8 Reviews on "Dr Ioana Silion"

8 reviews
  • Avatar for Ana B. Ana B.

    D-na doctor mi-a făcut inițial o impresie bună, însă la a doua întâlnire, după ce am trecut și pe la doamna psiholog clinician Anca Bloț, m-a anunțat cu satisfacție: „vestea bună este că nu aveți ADHD”. La testele aplicate de doamna psiholog cădeam la unul sub, iar la celălalt peste limita care însemna un diagnostic clar de ADHD și niciuna dintre cele două doamne specialiste în ADHD nu și-a bătut capul să afle de unde a apărut această aparentă contradicție. Doamna Silion a preferat să nu-și asume răspunderea și a ocolit diagnosticul de ADHD, după care mi-a propus să iau ceva care să-mi îmbunătățească nivelul de serotonină și dopamină: sertralină. Nu știu dacă doamna Silion nu știe că sertralina nu influențează dopamina cu nimic sau doar credea că mă poate păcăli pe mine, însă chiar nu recomand. Nu am acceptat propunerea și, în scurt timp, am apelat la un alt psihiatru, cu adevărat specializat în ADHD (nu doar cu numele), care mi-a fost recomandat pe grupul suport și care are rating maxim aici pe site.

  • Avatar for Iulia Iulia

    Povestea este al unui membru din familie

    Ruda respectiva a apelat la serviciile doamnei Silion, vazand ca ar avea niste studii superioare in bolile metabolice, acesta avand depresie pe langa diabet +alte boli autoimune.
    Nu i s-au cerut absolut niciun test de screening pre diagnostic, ci pur si simplu dupa o discutie de mai putin de 15 min, i-a intins o reteta fara sa i expplice riscurile ,efectele adverse sau daca are voie sau nu sa conduca sub influenta medicatie. Din pacate risca sa-si piarda carnetul si sa primeasca amenda, pentru ca doamna Silion a „uita” sa-i spuna ca este strict INTERZIS sa iei anxiar si sa conduci.
    Pe langa acest aspect, intarzia mereu la programari desi nu avea pacienti inainte, era constant rece ,distanta si repezita, ba chiar a simtit nevoia sa rade de ruda mea cand aceasta a ridicat o problema , spunandu-i foarte clar „Ai prea mult timp liber”.

    In concluzie, este de evitat si de ales un alt medic de pe acest site.

  • Avatar for Andra Andra

    In cazul meu a fost o experienta not great, not terrible. Per total doamna doctor mi s-a parut cam detașată/rece.

    Desi la inceput mi s-a spus ca voi primi si eu evaluarea psihologica pe email inainte de consultatia finala ca sa am timp sa o citesc, nu am primit-o decat la consultatia propriu zisa. De asemenea, mi s-a cerut sa imi programez consultatia finala in vederea diagnosticului la o saptamana distanta de evaluarea psihologica, pentru ca dna doctor impreuna cu echipa sa aiba timp sa se uite pe ea si sa evalueze cazul inainte sa ne vedem. Cu toate acestea, raportul respectiv a fost citit pentru prima oara de dna doctor in ziua consultatiei. Acasa am observat ca erau și niște înflorituri pe acolo pe care nu le-am spus de fapt în timpul evaluării.

    Am apreciat faptul ca înainte de a-mi prescrie medicația am fost intrebata daca sunt de acord sa o iau, dar în același timp nu am primit suficiente explicații despre posibilele efecte adverse sau la ce sa ma astept sa se întâmple, desi am intrebat explicit. Am aflat mai multe informații despre tratament de pe internet sau intreband alte persoane. Consider ca mai ales cand pacientul este la prima experienta la psihiatru este deosebit de importanta oferirea de explicatii si detalii despre tratament, despre afectiunea in sine, cu atat mai mult in contextul actual din Romania, unde afectiunile psihice sunt puternic stigmatizate și toată lumea fuge de psihiatru și de tratament.

    Totuși, red flagul pentru mine a fost afirmația ca metilfenidatul e amfetamina, afirmatie care mie personal nu mi-a inspirat prea mult profesionalism. Dacă eu ca pacient fara cunostinte în chimie am aflat ca metilfenidatul nu e amfetamina, ma aștept ca și medicul care îmi prescrie tratamentul sa știe.

    Prin urmare, voi cauta un alt medic, daca empatie nu gasesc, as dori macar un medic care sa imi poata oferi toate informatiile de care am nevoie.

  • Avatar for Maria Maria

    I didn't have many meetings with Dr. Silion, as she was a substitute for my doctor when she was unavailable, but overall they were not meetings that left me with a positive feeling. I did not feel listened to in my interactions with her and she took me by surprise with some advice that was contradictory to everything I had received from my diagnosing doctor and everything else I had read on the side.

    I felt a cold and slightly rude attitude which created an environment where I could not talk openly about my problems and experiences. Everything felt mechanical and rushed, which is why when I was put in a situation where the doctor who diagnosed me was not available, I did not return to Dr. Silion.

    I'm glad my experience with her was only as a substitute because I don't think it would have helped if she had been the doctor in charge of diagnosing me. Although I did not harm from the interaction I believe there are other better psychiatrist options. In conclusion I do not recommend her services.

  • Avatar for ThatPinkishHue ThatPinkishHue

    Meetings with Dr Silion were generally pleasant. Her vast experience and solid knowledge in the field, as well as her active involvement in the consultation process, are readily apparent. However, throughout the sessions, I felt a certain reluctance on her part to accept my own interpretation of my experiences. From the first discussions, I felt that I was put in the position of having to justify and prove my claims, rather than receiving empathy, validation and guidance.

    This approach created an environment in which I felt less confident in openly and honestly sharing my experiences and feelings. Instead of feeling supported and understood, I felt like I had to defend myself and argue every detail of my experience. This added an extra level of stress and anxiety to the whole consultation process.

    In addition, the trivialization of the adverse effects of the proposed treatment was another source of concern for me. Subsequently, I discovered that these effects are significant and can have a profound impact on quality of life. The fact that these potential risks were not discussed in detail or considered with due seriousness made me feel insecure and misunderstood.

    In conclusion, while I appreciate Dr. Silion's expertise and knowledge, her approach to patients and lack of empathy have led me to re-evaluate our collaboration. Trust, openness and mutual respect are essential in the doctor-patient relationship. Unfortunately, these elements were lacking in my interaction with the doctor, which is why I decided to give this final score.

  • Avatar for Ruxandra Mercioiu Ruxandra Mercioiu

    I started working with the doctor in June when I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. It is relevant to mention that the medical services offered by Albion are included in the health insurance package, which is a significant advantage for people who want a diagnosis but lack the financial resources.

    Unfortunately, I felt the need to look for another doctor because there were times when I didn't feel listened to enough or some topics were ignored. For example, when I tried to get information about lisdexamfetamine, the conversation was quickly turned to Concerta. Concerta only had an effect on me in the first week of use, and after that I only experienced the side effects: complete lack of concentration, irregular heartbeat, constant sweating and dehydration (even though I made sure I was hydrating properly), mental confusion ("brain fog"), and my sensory problems got significantly worse. For example, the sound of the TV or my favourite music caused headaches and dizziness, which had never happened to me before. I also often felt like a zombie. It's worth mentioning that I was on Zoloft because I was also diagnosed with anxiety.

    I brought all these issues to the doctor's attention, but she seemed not to listen to me or quickly skipped over the subject, prescribing the same medication. I expressed a desire to stop taking Zoloft because I no longer saw the need for this treatment. Of course, I suffer from anxiety, but the cause of my anxiety is related to some past trauma, and currently I feel fine most of the time. I also benefit from emotional support and rarely have triggers that put me in a position to have a panic attack. I mentioned these issues, but I was still recommended to continue with Zoloft, which left me confused after everything we discussed. I also mentioned the side effects, but was told that these should not occur with these medications. I continued to take the medication for another week after that session, but stopped completely at a time when I could no longer handle the exaggerated sensory issues. I needed a quiet time, but I couldn't achieve it because I couldn't even tolerate my favorite music.

    Two weeks later, with great joy, I noticed that the irregular heartbeat is gone, I don't sweat as much, the sensory problems are gone, the dizziness has improved and I feel much better than when I was on medication. However, even now, even then I am not able to concentrate properly, which is why I need medication for ADHD. Concerta unfortunately doesn't work for everyone.

    I'm not sure what the appropriate conclusion would be in this context, as the whole experience with this medication left me indifferent and I even felt shrouded in fog during my interaction with the doctor.

    In closing, although I had high expectations from working with Dr. Silion, my experience with the prescribed treatment left me feeling insecure and misunderstood.

    I think it is essential that in the medical field, especially in mental health specialties, patients feel heard and understood. Transparent and open communication between doctor and patient is vital for establishing an effective and personalised treatment plan. In my case, I felt that I was not sufficiently involved in the decision-making process regarding my treatment, which led to a number of inconsistencies and misunderstandings (I saw her several times).

    I also think it's important to stress that each patient is unique and what works for one individual may not work for another. So adaptability and openness to patient feedback are essential. In addition, it is crucial that patients are correctly and fully informed about the potential side effects of medicines so that they can make informed decisions.

    In the light of my experience with Dr Silion, I will be looking for another specialist to give me the confidence and support I need. I hope that in the future I will be able to work with a doctor who sees me not just as a diagnosis, but as an individual with specific needs, fears and expectations.

    1. Avatar for maria maria

      buna! ai apucat sa mergi la alt medic? deoarece si eu am aceeasi problema cu concerta si as vrea sa incerc lisdexamfetamina

      1. Avatar for Ruxandra Mercioiu Ruxandra Mercioiu

        4 luni intarziere si acum vad :)) nu stiu daca mai e nevoie de raspuns dar voi raspunde anyway

        Acum ma vad cu Dr. Cosmin Ungureanu (care e chiar in top aici pe site la psihiatri adulti). Vreau si eu lisdexamfetamina si stabilisem cu el sa incercam cand vine pe piata in Ro dar nici acum nu e 🙁

  • Avatar for un număr a number

    I would like to share my experience with this lady doctor, which was, in my opinion, neither positive nor negative, but left me with a feeling of missing out. In the context of seeking her services for a preliminary diagnosis in relation to ADHD, I can't say I left there with a clearer understanding or a concrete plan of action.

    I noticed a certain degree of indifference and a mechanical approach from both her and the psychologist she works with. It seemed to me that they were not flexible in their approach to my case and that it was all about ticking boxes and criteria to determine whether or not I had ADHD. This course of action made me wonder if I couldn't have diagnosed myself by simply filling out a questionnaire at home.

    In terms of medication, I have not been prescribed specific treatment for ADHD, but have received recommendations for other conditions. Thus, I felt as if the main issue for which I sought professional help was placed on the back burner.

    In conclusion, based on my experience, I would not recommend this lady doctor for the initial diagnosis of ADHD. I can't say that she caused me any significant harm, but I also can't say that I received any real help.

  • Avatar for Coroi Adrian Coroi Adrian

    I was diagnosed by Dr. Ioana Silion this year (2023) in March. Overall, my experience has been very positive and the lady doctor has been very understanding and interested in my condition and the experience I am going through.

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