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6 Reviews on "Dr Cosmin Ungureanu"

6 reviews
  • Avatar for Nicoleta Nicoleta

    Dupa 7 ani debutati cu un burnout din care nu mi-am mai revenit, 7 ani cu depresii severe, atacuri de panica, diagnostice care nu rezonau cu mine si tratamente care mi-au deformat corpul si „lobotomizat” creierul si un sir indian de psihologi si dr. psihiatrii in al caror profesionalism si interes fata de pacient pierdusem orice speranta si incredere, l-am descoperit pe dl dr psihiatru Cosmin Ungureanu care este, in primul rand un om cu o deosebita empatie si rabdare si in al doilea, un doctor specialist ce face cinste psihiatriei prin profesionalism, perspicacitate si dedicare!!!
    Pentru mine, diagnosticul primit a fost ca o compunere despre viata mea iar tratamentul mi-a schimbat-o la 180° pentru ca este in sfarsit, dupa atatia ani, cel CORECT!!!!
    Va multumesc din suflet domnule doctor!!!

  • Avatar for RI RI

    După ce s-a retras doctorita mea precedenta m-am temut că nu voi găsi un doctor nu numai talentat, dar și UMAN! Din fericire l-am găsit pe dl.-ul Dr. Ungureanu care mi-a întrecut toate așteptările și căruia îi sunt foarte recunoscător pentru tot!

    1. Avatar for Catalina Danciu Catalina Danciu

      Un medic extraordinar,implicat și un profesionist desăvârșit, dar,cel mai important,un om exceptinal, care te face să te simți în siguranță și înțeles.

  • Avatar for Andra Andra

    I had a pleasant and validating experience. I felt listened to. Very malleable in relation to fears and concerns about treatment. Gives me confidence.

  • Avatar for Alexandra Alexandra

    I'm so glad I reached this doctor after much searching. He had the confidence to prescribe me treatment for ADHD even as an adult, after elsewhere I was only referred to therapy. The treatment has helped me a lot and has greatly increased my quality of life. I recommend him because he understands what adult ADHD means and is open to medication,

  • Avatar for Carmen Lapadat Carmen Lapadat

    Doctor Cosmin Ungureanu is open to offer consultations more often than every month or even every two weeks if necessary to adjust and modify a treatment, which cannot always be done without changing prescriptions and without consultation.

    It is what I wanted and sought because I needed to get the effects of the treatment in an optimal period that would be possible.
    As Andrei said, he is a professional you can rely on and not just during consultation hours.

    He is genuinely interested in the patient and how they feel during treatment.

    You feel comfortable and natural in the office while communicating with him because he has a genuine style and understands situations, what he is being told and what is happening to the person in front of him.

    He also helped me and advised me when a medical emergency arose in my life, unrelated to psychiatry, when in addition to the family doctor I called Dr. Cosmin Ungureanu. That advice made a lot of practical difference and had important consequences, but the human factor is also very important in the relationship that is so important with a doctor and with the doctor who helps you to take your life in hand to its true potential and to feel fully in control of your life again.

    The treatments went well, also the adjustments and modifications that are necessary and very important in the beginning.

    1. Avatar for Catalina Catalina

      Un medic extraordinar,cu adevărat implicat,dar,mai ales,un om extrem de empatic, care te face să simți în siguranță și înțeles.La prima întâlnire cu el,eram atât de anxioasa, încât nici nu știam ce vreau să spun.Atitudinea lui caldă m-a ajutat să ma liniștesc,m-a facut să ma simt auzită și validată,iar pentru mine a contat enorm.Am încredere că sunt pe mâini bune!

  • Cosmin is a professional on whom I could rely with confidence every time I was asked for a recommendation from a psychiatrist in Romania, especially at times when those patients were refused the prescription of drug treatment, without this refusal having a real basis. For this reason, I recommend!

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